28 research outputs found

    Computer- und Videospieler

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen, Motiven von Computer- und Videospielern und Gewaltspielpräferenz untersucht. Zur Sammlung der Daten von Computer- und Videospielern wurde eine Onlinebefragung durchgeführt. Das Erhebungsinstrument vereinte selbst konstruierte und aus der Literatur übernommene Items. Erhoben wurden soziodemographische Daten, Charakteristika der Nutzung von Bildschirmspielen, die für das Erkenntnisinteresse relevanten Spielmotive sowie die Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen der Befragten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen unter anderem, dass Vielspieler mit stark ausgeprägten externalen Kontrollüberzeugungen eine höhere Motivation aufweisen aggressive Kontrolle im Spiel auszuüben, als Vielspieler mit geringen Ausprägungen in Externalität. Die quantitativen Datenauswertungen belegen außerdem, dass es Spielern mit einem hohen Selbstkonzept eigener Fähigkeiten wichtiger ist Leistungen im Spiel zu realisieren, als Spielern mit durchschnittlich ausgeprägten Kompetenzüberzeugungen. Zur Interpretation dieser Befunde kann der Uses-and-Gratifications Approach herangezogen werden. Computer- und Videospieler nutzen virtuelle Welten demnach, um Kontrolldefizite zu kompensieren und handlungsbezogenen Ideenreichtum auszuleben. Die Studie konnte auch zeigen, dass die Motivation von Spielern, auf aggressive Weise Kontrolle im Spiel auszuüben, mit der Präferenz für Gewaltspiele zusammenhängt. Theoretische Erkenntnisse zum Aggressionsbegriff untermauern die Interpretation, dass Gewalt in Spielen besonders geeignet ist, um Gefühle von Macht und Kontrolle zu erzeugen. Daher greifen Spieler mit höherer aggressiver Kontrollmotivation eher zu violenten Spielen

    Enhancing Motivation in Hybrid Therapy Games for ASD

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    Hybrid games have been shown to be an effective tool for cognitive-behavioral therapy. We developed the hybrid therapy game Invasion of the Wrong Planet and conducted two consecutive studies both with children with and without autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The studies contrast the design principle of "Encouraged Collaboration" (ECC) with the design principle of "Enforced Collaboration" (EFC). While EFC has been used in recent work on therapy games for ASD, EFC is derived from specific aspects of behavioral therapy. The results show that children across both groups prefer ECC over EFC, while both design principals elicit comparable degrees of collaboration between players. The higher preference may increase motivation and therefore ECC could enhance the effectiveness of games used in behavioral therapy. Latter aim at fostering the social competence and communicative skills of children with ASD.publishe

    Encouraging Collaboration in Hybrid Therapy Games for Autistic Children

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    Social competence and communicative skills of children with autism spectrum disorders are supported by behavioral therapy. “Serious games”, especially therapeutic games on a hybrid medium, have been proven to serve as a useful tool for behavioral therapy. In this work, we present such a hybrid therapy game: “Invasion of the Wrong Planet”. Based on the game, we demonstrate essential design principles for the development of therapeutic games. We focus on specific aspects of behavioral therapy, depending on which desired behavior is encouraged and not enforced. The project provides a basis for discussion on how collaboration using therapeutic games in general can be improved. Author Keywords Autism; health; behavior therapy; games; hybri

    MedioVis 2.0 -- A novel User Interface for Seeking Audio-Visual Media Libraries

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    Knowledge work is a demanding activity caused on the one hand by the increasing complexity of today’s information spaces. On the other hand, knowledge workers are acting correspondingly to an individual creative workflow, which involves multifaceted characteristics like diverse activities, locations, environments and social contexts. Although it is important to find solutions to specific aspects of knowledge work (information-seeking, information-management, media-warehousing, etc.) our design approach – MedioVis 2.0 – tries to support the entire workflow in one coalescing Knowledge Media Workbench, showcased in the context of digital libraries. To achieve this goal, we apply the concept of zoomable user interfaces, different visualization techniques and investigate additional considerations to provide a satisfying user experience

    Employing Tangible Visualisations in Augmented Reality with Mobile Devices

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    Recent research has demonstrated the benefits of mixed realities for information visualisation. Often the focus lies on the visualisation itself, leaving interaction opportunities through different modalities largely unexplored. Yet, mixed reality in particular can benefit from a combination of different modalities. This work examines an existing mixed reality visualisation which is combined with a large tabletop for touch interaction. Although this allows for familiar operation, the approach comes with some limitations which we address by employing mobile devices, thus adding tangibility and proxemics as input modalities.submitte

    Employing Tangible Visualisations in Augmented Reality with Mobile Devices

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    Recent research has demonstrated the benefits of mixed realities for information visualisation. Often the focus lies on the visualisation itself, leaving interaction opportunities through different modalities largely unexplored. Yet, mixed reality in particular can benefit from a combination of different modalities. This work examines an existing mixed reality visualisation which is combined with a large tabletop for touch interaction. Although this allows for familiar operation, the approach comes with some limitations which we address by employing mobile devices, thus adding tangibility and proxemics as input modalities.publishe

    In-Situ Experimental Modal Testing of Railway Bridges

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    In this paper the potential application of experimental modal testing of railway bridges by application of the forced vibration excitation method is proposed to identify reliable and reproduceable values of the natural frequencies and damping coefficients. It will be shown, that the damping values that are determined by in-situ experimental modal testing are in most cases significant higher than the values given in EN 1991-2 and that the normative damping values are quite conservative. The measuring results of a framed concrete bridge with 16.1 m span length are presented and the dependence of dynamic parameters to seasonable temperature changes and to the size of bridge vibration amplitude will be discussed in detail